
White Tea - White Peony and Shou Mei

White tea, also known as "Bai Cha" in Chinese, is highly regarded for its delicate white buds and silver needles. The finest quality of white tea is made from a single bud and leaf, known as "Bai Hao Yin Zhen" or "Silver Needle." However, due to its limited quantity, it is rarely accessible to the general public......

White Tea - Bahao Yinzhen

Many people think they are not familiar with white tea, but they may actually be drinking it every day. Shou Mei, which is commonly consumed in tea houses, is one type of white tea. White tea is mainly produced in the southern foothills of Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province, China, which is very close to the origin of Wuyi Rock tea......

Yellow Tea - Yellow Buds of Huo Shan

Huoshan Yellow Bud is another famous type of yellow tea, which belongs to the category of lightly fermented tea. It is produced in Huoshan County, Anhui Province, China......

Yellow Tea - Yellow Buds of Meng Ding


Yellow Tea - Jun Mountain Silver Needle


Green Tea - Wuyuan Tea Brow


Green Tea - Liuan Guapian Tea


Green Tea - Mt. Lushan Fog Tea


Green Tea - Taiping Houkui Tea



Green Tea - Yuhua Tea

​ 南京,古名金陵,為歷代帝王之都,留下了不少名勝古蹟,例如紫金山、玄武湖、中山陵等。唐朝不少詩歌也曾吟誦此城,最有名的是詩仙李白的《登金陵鳳凰台》:「鳳凰台上鳳凰游,鳯去台空.......